Today is February 2, 2010 and we are back in our familiar surroundings. We arrived Friday January 29, 2010. Family and friends greeted us at the Salt Lake Airport. It was a very joyful reunion. We were especially happy to to see the Grandchildren (15 out of 17 were at the air port). They have changed a lot and it will be fun to get to know them again.Our children did a wonderful job in preparing our home for our arrival. Not only was the home clean and inviting, but we were surprised by a few changes. A new carpet in our bedroom, a beautiful new bed spread and a new flat screen TV were part of the surprises. Family, neighbors, friends came and visited us even before we had time to unpack our suitcases. Everyone brought some wonderful treats and welcomed us back home. We already had a family get-together on Sunday afternoon at our daughter's home (Heidi) with lots of good food. We attended our ward church services on Sunday and the Saints greeted us with open arms and welcomed us back. Our Stake President released us as missionaries and thus ended a chapter in our lives we will not forget. Even tough we will not give our report in our Sacrament Meeting until February 21, we already spoke to a Home Evening group last night.These past few months gave us a greater appreciation of the restored gospel. Our love for the Savior and for His Atoning Sacrifice grew, as we served the the people in Germany. It was easy to love especially the young adults with whom we rubbed shoulders on a daily basis and we were rewarded as they expressed their love to us. These wonderful Young people have struggles and challenges that many of us can not imagine. Many have wonderful testimonies and many more need to be "rescued". We pray that they will be blessed with with people that care and can serve them.Our association with the full time missionaries was very rewarding. Their commitment and hard work was breathtaking to behold. That association we will treasure as one of the highlights of our mission.It is now time to get back to a normal life and hopefully "enduring to the end".We are already doing the things that Grandparents do. At 5:00AM this morning we drove to our son's (Stephen) home to tend two little children as Stephen and Sarah left to go to the hospital. We are awaiting soon the news from them of the birth of our 18Th Grandchild.We have tried to share with you some of our mission experience over the last 22 months. Thank you for for allowing us to communicate with you in this e-mail format. Thank you for your support and prayers in our behave. Please know that it made a difference. The Lord has blessed us beyond our expectations. Now, "may the Lord bless you and keep you".