It is Monday afternoon and we are about to go to the Outreach Center for our family-home evening. We will just send you a short note to tell you that all is well. There is little time left to do all we want to do.We did take two days to visit with our relatives in Bortfeld-Wendeburg near the city of Braunschweig. It was a wonderful visit to meet with my ailing cousin, Hildegard,and her extended family. It was hard for us to part and it was a very emotional experience. We are not sure if we will see them again in this life. While we were there, they could not do enough for us. We visited a few points of interest in the area. We had a wonderful time visiting one with another and talk about the past. (You know, how only the "old people" can do.)We returned home to our apartment just before midnight on Saturday evening. Sunday was a full day. We don't think that we have ever turned down so many invitations, and on our last Sunday in Dortmund, the Ward will have a pot-luck dinner right after our church block. It is also the Sunday we have been asked to speak during the Sacrament meeting.This morning we did our last apartment visit of the Elders apartment in Gelsenkirchen. We finished painting the Kitchen and also painted the Bathroom. It is nice to have this last project completed.There is a lot more that should be said about the past week, but we need to go to our home-evening appointment.We will see you all soon, if we survive the next few days.
Anina sitting next to Brother Rudakowski and Sister Jensen, Sister Simionescu (from Rumania), Elder Smith and Elder Schaefer. Brother Rudakowski takes the missionaries every month to this Mongolian/Chineese restaurant.

Hildegard and her two daughters and their Husbands. (from left to right ; Simona Springer, Wolfgang Ehlers, Andrea Ehlers, and Thobias Springer. Hildegard is in the middle of the front row.

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