Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Beautiful Day To Go Walking

It has been an absolutely beautiful week. Everything is so green and very colorful. The Germans do like their flowers. In town people may not have much of a lawn or garden, but they have always room for flowers. This afternoon the young Missionaries took our car to make some visits on the edge of Dortmund, so we decided to go for a walk. Our legs are tired, but it was good to have the exercise.
Our Ward in Dortmund had their Ward Conference today. Yesterday they had a Ward cooking contest. The men had to do the cooking and the Relief Society Sisters did the judging. Boy, were they brutal in their comments and judging. I am glad that I decided not to enter the contest and be humiliated. It was really all in fun and we all had a good time. There were even a couple of investigators who joined us for the fun.
We missed the Sunday part of our Ward Conference, for we had an assignment to go to the Essen Ward today. In Essen we actually have a Ward that is larger than the Dortmund Ward. We both had to speak in Sacrament Meeting. We were hoping that the task of speaking would get easier, but it still takes a lot of preparation.
One of our American girls - Stacy, the one that is a nanny, will be going home to California next week and yesterday we met the girl that is taking her place. She is also from California and speaks no German. She took the job that was offered to our granddaughter, Tori, who decided not to come. The good thing about the new girl is that she is also LDS. She is engaged to a young man who will be going on a Mission. We are glad to have another young person that will take advantage of the Center for Young Adults here in Dortmund. We are also glad that the host family is so supportive and allows her to come to the Institute and Ward Activities.
A couple of you have asked how the investigators are coming along.. Even when people are friendly and nice to us, or even when they have that good feeling about the teachings of the Restored Gospel, it is hard to for them to make that big decision. There are a lot of pressures from family and friends not to join the Church. The Missionaries are working hard and some day (we hope soon) we will see some change.

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